Csillag szépségszalon Áraink
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Price List

 Price List


Cosmetics Treatment with Ilcsi products

Face, neck, cleavage massage
30 minutes

7 500 Ft

Base (teen) treatment
60 minutes, until 18 years of age

14 900 Ft

All-encompassing cosmetics treatment
90 minutes
With Stretching

17 500 Ft

Hydrating Treatment
60 minutes

15 500 Ft

Fruit-acid peeling
30 minutes

7 000 Ft

Fruit-acid peeling with ultrasound
60 minutes

9 000 Ft

Microdermabrasion treatment with ultrasound
30 minutes

7 600 Ft

Microdermabrasion treatment with cleaning
60 minutes

16 900 Ft

Microdermabrasion cure
5 occasion, 30 minutes / occasion

35 900 Ft

Regenerating treatment
90 minutes
With grape cell products / With floral hyaluronic products / With Hexapeptide products or Antioxidant products

16 900 Ft

Nutritious mask
20 minutes

1 800 Ft

Cosmetics TREATMENTs with SELVERT THERMAL Products

Face, neck, cleavage massage + peeling
30 minutes

10 900 Ft

Base (teen) treatment
60 minutes, until 18 years of age

14 900 Ft

All-encompassing cosmetic treatment
90 minutes

21 900 Ft

Pure vitamin C treatment
60 minutes

21 900 Ft

Pure vitamin C treatment with cleaning
60 minutes

24 800 Ft

Retinol treatment
60 minutes

21 900 Ft

Exclusive golden skin rejuvenation with 24 karat Gold
80 minutes

49 900 Ft


Massage (Face-neck-cleavage) with peeling

8 000 Ft

Ultrasound and interference
20 minutes
Lifting treatment on the face

7 000 Ft

Needle mesotherapy/mezopen

16 000 Ft

Facial mesotherapy treatment with laser
+Fito C products / mesolaser

19 900 Ft

Face treatment with the usage of active ingredients
Rubber, massage, cleaning, active ingredient intake, mask

18 500 Ft


3 500 Ft / 4 500 ft


4 000 Ft

Kobido face stretching and contour raising massage
90 minutes

15 000 Ft

Laser mesotherapy TREATMENTs with AGE ATTRACTION products

Facial skin rejuvenating, stretching mesotherapy treatment
60 minutes

23 900 Ft

Facial, neck skin rejuvenating, stretching mesotherapy treatment
90 minutes

25 900 Ft

Skin rejuvenating, stretching mesotherapy treatment with pure peptides
60 minutes

30 000 Ft

Hair removal

Up to the knee or thigh resin

3 900 Ft

Entire leg resin

7 000 Ft

Bikini line resin

3 500 Ft

Brazilian resin
With intimate resin

7 000 Ft

Armpit resin

2 700 Ft

Arm resin

3 700 Ft

Back resin

5 500 Ft

Stomach + chest resin

5 500 Ft

Moustache or eyebrow resin

2 000 Ft

Eyebrow shaping with forceps

2 000 Ft

Hair removal with sugar paste


2 700 Ft

Bikini line

4 000 Ft


6 900 Ft


1 600 Ft


1 400 Ft


3 500 Ft

Stomach line

1 900 Ft


5 500 Ft


3 500 Ft

Ear lock

1 800 Ft


1 600 Ft

Dyeing, Eyelash LIFTING

Eyelash dyeing

2 000 Ft

Eyebrow dyeing

1 200 Ft

Eyelash lifting

9 900 Ft

Makeup, makeup consultation

Daily makeup

5 000 Ft

Occasional makeup

7 000 Ft – 10 000 Ft

Makeup consultation
2 occasion

25 000 Ft



Washing and drying

6 000 Ft | 7 000 Ft | 9 000 Ft

Washing, cutting, and drying

8 000 Ft | 9 000 Ft | 11 000 Ft

Base dyeing / colouring

8 700 Ft | 9 800 Ft | 11 000 Ft

Dyeing / colouring
Washing and drying

12 000 Ft | 14 200 Ft | 16 500 Ft

Dyeing / colouring and cutting
Washing and drying

15 000 Ft | 17 000 Ft | 19 500 Ft

Highlight per foil

300 Ft / piece

Lasting corrugation and cutting
Washing and drying

13 200 Ft – 15 400 Ft

Occasional hairstyle target price

From 11 000 Ft

Children’s hair cut
Washing, cutting, and drying

From 4 900 Ft

Men’s hair cut
Washing, cutting, and drying

5 000 Ft

Men’s hairstyle, beard correction
Washing, cutting, and drying

7 600 Ft

Hair DYEING with HENNa

5 gr

1 400 Ft

10 gr

2 000 Ft

15 gr

2 700 Ft

20 gr

3 300 Ft

25 gr

4 000 Ft

30 gr

4 600 Ft

35 gr

5 300 Ft

40 gr

5 900 Ft

45 gr

6 600 Ft

50 gr

7 200 Ft

55 gr

7 900 Ft

60 gr

8 500 Ft

65 gr

9 200 Ft

70 gr

9 800 Ft

75 gr

10 500 Ft

80 gr

11 100 Ft

85 gr

11 800 Ft

90 gr

12 400 Ft

95 gr

13 100 Ft


Mini pedicure
35 minutes
Nail formation, nail bed cleaning

2 800 Ft

Mini pedicure + lacquer
45 minutes

3 800 Ft

Mini pedicure + gel lacquer
60 minutes
Gel lacquer replacement

4 500 Ft

Aesthetic pedicure
60 minutes
Nail care, sole care, with single use blade, with wet pedicure machine

5 200 Ft

Aesthetic pedicure + lacquer
70 minutes

6 200 Ft

Aesthetic pedicure + gel lacquer
90 minutes
Gel lacquer replacement

7 200 Ft

Aesthetic pedicure + Japanese bee wax treatment
75 minutes

6 500 Ft

Healing pedicure
appr. 100 minutes
Extra thick skin hardening, callus, overgrown nail removal

from 6 500 Ft

Callus removal

500 Ft

Leg rubber

1 000 Ft

Nail correction

2 500 Ft / finger



Healing Massage, Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Relaxation Massage

5 500 Ft | 9 500 Ft | 14 000 Ft | 18 000 Ft

Refreshing, conditioning Massage technique, the goal of which is the improvement of the blood circulation of the problematic body part, a local pain relief, the restoration of mobility.

Shape forming, cellulite Massage
70 minutes

13 000 Ft

The blood- and lymphatic circulation activation massage extends the capillaries under the skin, and speeds up the transportation of toxins, regular appliance is recommended.

Sole reflexology
30 minutes/ 60 minutes

5 500 Ft | 8 500 Ft

With the massage of the reflex zone, we can positively impact the operation of the organs, stimulate the blood- and lymphatic circulation, which strengthens the immune system, reliefs pain, and releases physical and mental stress.

Shiatsu massage
30 minutes/ 70 minutes

6 000 Ft | 10 000 Ft

Japanese massage technique, during which finger, – and palm pressing and stretching helps the body’s energy flow recovery, the massage removes fatigue and freshens the mind, smooths out the anxiety, and ensures a special and pleasant experience.

Lymph drainage
70 minutes

11 000 Ft

The lymph drainage includes a soft massage technique, with which we can try to control the accumulated lymph between the tissue in the direction of the body, on the other hand it strengthens the operation of the lymphatics and makes them achieve more active contractions.



Healing massage, Swedish massage, Sports Massage, Relaxation massage

5 500 Ft | 6 800 Ft | 8 500 Ft | 13 000 Ft | 16 000 Ft

Refreshing and conditioning massage technique, the goal of which is to improve the blood circulation of the problematic body part, local pain relief, and restoration of mobility.

Sole reflexology
30 minutes | 60 minutes

6 000 Ft | 9 000 Ft

With the reflexon massage, we can positively impact the function of our organs, stimulates the blood- and lymphatic circulation, which strengthens the immune system, reliefs pain, and has physical and mental stress release effects.

Lymphatic massage
60 minutes

12 000 Ft

Lymphatic massage means such a soft massage technique, with which we can try to control the accumulated lymph between the tissue in the direction of the body, on the other hand it strengthens the operation of the lymphatics and makes them achieve more active contractions.

Flavour therapy treatment
60 minutes | 90 minutes | 120 minutes
Massage, body erasure

9 000 Ft | 14 000 Ft | 17 000 Ft

Different essential oils can influence the entirety of the body, like physical symptoms, mental ones, and our mood. With their energy they can help reach a psychological equilibrium.

Chocolate oil massage
60 minutes | 90 minutes | 120 minutes

9 000 Ft | 14 000 Ft | 17 000 Ft

The natural ingredients of the olive oil enhance the skins’ structure, the Arabic coffee beans improve blood circulation and burn fat. The chocolate oil massage has a pleasant and relaxing effect on body and mind alike.

Chocolate Massage
60 minutes| 90 minutes | 120 minutes

10 000 Ft | 16 000 Ft | 18 500 Ft

The chocolate softens, hydrates and makes the skin silkily velvety and elastic, slowing down the aging effects of the skin. Chocolate’s endorphins productions positive effect can be felt on the skin, so it doesn’t regenerate just the body but the mind as well. It also includes many important minerals, vitamins.

Coconut treatment
90 minutes | 120 minutes
Massage + body erasure

14 000 Ft | 17 000 Ft

Coconut oil softens the skin, slows down aging and stops acnes while also defending from UV exposure.

Holt sea salt treatment
90 minutes | 120 minutes
Massage + body erasure

14 000 Ft | 17 000 Ft

This treatment removes the dead epithelial cells, but it also detoxifies the deeper epithelium, while the strong trace particle and high mineral concentration gets absorbed. The massage movements help the absorption process and together with the salt oils help the circulation, enhance the cell metabolism and sebaceous function.

Honey Massage
30 minutes | 60 minutes

6 500 Ft | 9 500 Ft

A mézes kezelés erős méregtelenítő, salaktalanító hatással van a szervezetünkre, emellett segíti a reumatikus panaszokban, letapadt izomzatban és izomgörcsökben is.

Cellulite Massage
60 minutes | 90 minutes

14 500 Ft | 16 500 Ft

The blood and lymph circulation massage expands the capillary under the skin and it makes the harmful toxic material transportation faster, the treatment is recommended on a regular basis.

Massage Pass

Healing Massage 5+1 occasion pass
6 * 30 minutes | 6 * 60 minutes
For the price of 5 receive 6 occasions – validity: until 3 months

27 500 Ft | 42 500 Ft

Healing Massage 10+1 occasion pass
11 * 60 minutes
For the price of 10 receive 11 occasions – validity: 5 months

85 000 Ft

Cellulite Massage 10 + 1 occasion pass
11 * 60 minutes
For the price of 10 receive 11 occasion – validity: 5 months

145 000 Ft